WATCH: WATCH: Attorney Michael Shabani Interview on Alabama TV (en español)

WATCH: Attorney Joshua Crumbley on NBC 13, Discusses How Trump's Orders Might Affect Immigrants

WATCH: Attorneys Michael Shabani and Joshua Crumbley discuss key immigration issues on NBC 13.

READ AL.COM ARTICLE: Attorney Michael Shabani on how should foreign citizens prepare for Trump presidency.

TPS Somalia

An advance copy was made available of a DHS notice of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) extension and redesignation of Somalia for 18 months, from September 18, 2021, through March 17, 2023. An advance copy was also made available of a DHS notice suspending certain regulatory requirements for F-1 nonimmigrant students whose country of citizenship is Somalia (regardless of country of birth) and who are experiencing severe economic hardship as a result of the current crisis in Somalia.

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